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Course VCA Basis
Course VCA Basis

The course “Basic Principles of Work Safety” is the industry and aims to train employees in the safety aspects necessary for the correct performance of their work. At the end of the training, the participant is aware of the dangers of his own workplace and which safety measures can be taken.

Duration of training : 1 day: from 8:30 to 17:00. The training ends with the exam: 16:00 – 17:00 by a recognized examination institute.
Diploma valid : 10 years

 260,00 305,00 ex BTW
Exam VCA
Exam VCA

Exam * Basis VCA, VOL VCA, VIL VCU

The exam is available in all standard VCA languages (full list below)

Validity of the document: 10 years

Please allow 48 hours (on working days) between the planned date of the exam and confirming the date and place with the VCA Talen office.

 95,00 ex BTW