The VCA EDU E-learning package provides thorough preparation for the VCA Basis exam, essential for anyone working in industries where safety is a top priority. With the exam simulator, you gain access to 2 Romanian-language practice exams, each consisting of 40 questions designed to reflect the diversity of the official exam. This simulator allows you to test and reinforce your knowledge and understanding of workplace safety. Additionally you will familiarize yourself with computer version of the exam.
A unique feature of the E-learning package is the flexibility to take prepare and select the exam at your chosen location and on your preferred date. This makes it easy for professionals with busy schedules to prepare and take the exam at a time that suits them best.
Whether you’re a novice entering the workforce or a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge, the VCA EDU package offers a comprehensive and accessible learning method. Invest in your personal and professional development in the field of safety with the VCA EDU E-learning package. Safe work starts here.