Exam VCA


 95,00 ex BTW

Exam * Basis VCA, VOL VCA, VIL VCU

The exam is available in all standard VCA languages (full list below)

Validity of the document: 10 years

Please allow 48 hours (on working days) between the planned date of the exam and confirming the date and place with the VCA Talen office.


  1. Select the exam details (date, venue, level and language)
  2. Select the number of candidates for the examination
  3. Click - Add to cart

Once you have proceeded to payment, you will be  also asked enter the candidates' details (name and date of birth)


Official VCA Exams

In the offer of VCA Talen you will find the dates of the official VCA exams. By taking and passing them, you provide yourself and your employees with recognized certificates confirming knowledge in the field of work safety. Depending on the nature of your work, you will take the appropriate VCA exam. We offer a wide range of exams for you and your employees. Do you need a B VCA (Basic VCA Security) or VOL-VCA (Operational Managers’ Security) diploma? We have around 40 exam locations throughout the Netherlands.

Multi-language offer

People who speak different languages work in your company. Such a multicultural environment is a reason to be proud, but also a challenge. At VCA Talen, we put emphasis on safety and we understand how important it is that there are no misunderstandings on this topic resulting from language barriers. That is why we offer VCA exams in many different languages. This way, you can always be sure that we offer the exam in your and your employees’ language. Please note that exams in most languages are available after registration 48-hours in advance, but some languages may require earlier registration. The official exam is always organized by an official certification party and may only take place at physical locations (it is not possible to take the official exam online).

Advantages of VCA Talen offer

  • Safe and healthy work for everyone confirmed with a diploma

  • Fast and easy online booking

  • Locations all over the Netherlands

  • Available in multiple languages

  • Available at each VCA level (B-VCA, VOL VCA, VIL VCU)

The VCA exam is carried out by an official examination office, associated in the independent SSVV Commission, Stichting Samenwerken voor Veiligheid, ie the Association of Security Experts.

Exam and result

The exam takes form of a computer exam. The candidate receives the exam results directly after the exam. To obtain a positive result, the examinee must get at least 65% of the correct answers. On the next business day, the results are entered by the examination office into the VCA register. After passing the exam, each person is given a diploma number, which is registered on the website: www.cdr.ssvv.nl

Choose the right VCA exam:

VCA Basis – due to the minimum time required to apply for the exam, we have distinguished three language groups.

VCA Basis standard (40 questions, 60 minutes): English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Lithuanian, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Turkish, Hungarian
The minimum deadline for submission is 48 hours (on working days) before the planned date of the exam.
VCA Basis standard + (40 questions test, 60 minutes): Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Slovak, Italian, Ukrainian
VCA Basis non -standard (40 questions, 60 minutes): Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, Maltese, Slovenian, Swedish
The minimum deadline for submission is 20 working days before the planned date of the exam.
VOL VCA (70 questions, 75 minutes test): Dutch, German, French, English
VIL VCU (70 questions, 75 minutes test): Dutch, English

Questions? – Contact

Tel. 024-3730654
E-mail: administratie@vca-talen.nl

More about the VCA exam.

Practical information 

Exam day

After you have registered for the exam – at least 48 hours in advance – you will receive an admission ticket for the exam (via email).

You need to be present at the venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam. Have your valid ID ready, as the examiner will do an identity check before the exam. After this, you will be allowed to sit at an assigned computer, fill in the registration form and go through the exam rules. You will then receive an explanation from our exam leader about the exam and may begin. If you finish the exam, raise your hand. The exam leader will close the exam for you and you will immediately see your score on screen. The exam leader notes your score and you can leave the exam room quietly.

Valid proof of identity

You must be able to identify yourself before and during the exam with a physical ID that is valid at least on the day of the exam. This includes the following items:

  • A passport or a foreign travel document.
  • An identity card 

Certificate and card

You will receive your electronic vestion of diploma and pass/card next day after passing the exam (with positive result).  

Physical form of diploma and pass are available after paying an additional fee (option available during checkout and registration)

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